Localcharlotteinfo Uncategorized Growing Complaints In Matthews Over A Plane Advertising An Alcohol Store In Fort Mill

Growing Complaints In Matthews Over A Plane Advertising An Alcohol Store In Fort Mill


MATTHEWS, NC. —   Loud, annoying, dangerous that’s how some people are describing the Southern Spirits airplane advertising tactic on Google reviews. One person saying: “The airplane that pulls an advertising banner for them over I-485 is causing serious issues for people who live close to the area.”

A Charlotte man shopping at the store in Fort Mill says he’s seen the advertisement.

“I didn’t really think too much about it. But I could see why it would be a problem,” he tells WCCB.

Matthews Town Manager Hazen Blodgett tells WCCB he’s reached out to the owner of the store about the plane. Matthews Mayor John Higdon says in a statement:

“We’ve received a lot of complaints and saw many others on social media about how unusually loud the plane towing the banner is, and I personally can confirm this to be the case.  I don’t think anyone has an issue with the manner of advertising – just that the plane is really, really loud and makes multiple passes over homes early in the morning.  The town has politely asked the business owner to fix the issue, which, as I understand, he has declined to do.”

The owner of Southern Spirits tells WCCB the store has gotten great feedback from the plane and says the plane never goes over the same location more than a couple of times for about 12 seconds. He declined an interview because he was with his family.

A Matthews Police Department spokesperson tells WCCB they have not received any calls for service or noise complaints about the plane.


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